Advanced Design 14 - Pencil

Draw on the lines as illustrated in the diagram with a pencil. Draw these lines very lightly, and they will not show up in the final design.

Front (1): Divide the egg into eight equal sections, as shown.
Front (2): Now, divide the egg into sixteenths.

Side (1): This is how the egg should look from the side, at this point.
Front (3): Now, draw parallel lines to the diagonal lines on the front, as shown.

Side (2): This is what these lines should look like from the side.
Side (3): Add two parallel lines going down the egg vertically, as shown.

Front (4) and Side (4): Now, you draw in the stars. You will end up with 4 vertically around the egg, and one on the front, and one on the back.

When you have drawn all the lines in pencil that you wish to, go ahead to White.
