Beginner Design 1 - Pencil

Draw on the lines as illustrated in the diagram with a pencil. Draw these lines very lightly, and they will not show up in the final design.

Pencil 1 Pencil 1, Top

Front (1) shows the egg divided into eighths. You start by drawing one long line around the longest part of the egg, until it meets up with itself. Next, draw a long line at a right angle to this one, until it meets up with itself. Lastly, draw one line around the middle of the egg. Now the egg is divided into 8 equal sized parts. See Top (1) for what the top of the egg should look like now.

Pencil 2

Now draw two diagonal lines all around the egg, thus dividing it into 16ths.

Pencil 3

Front (3): Draw a little hook on the main vertical dividing line, as shown.

Pencil 4

Front (4): Draw its mirror image, as shown.

Pencil 5

Front (5): Complete the cross, following the steps above. Try to keep the hooks equidistant from the center. Remember to draw your lines on both sides of the egg.
