Bleached Design 2 - Pencil

Remember to use light pencil lines, so it won't show up in the final design.

Front (1). First, you must divide the egg into sixteenths. You draw a line around the length of the egg, then another line at a right angle to it. Then you repeat the process at a 45 degree angle to the lines already there. Next, draw a line around the middle. Now the egg is divided into sixteenths.
Front (2). Draw a diamond in the middle. Draw 2 lines parallel to the lines at the top and sides. Draw 3 diamonds on the top and the sides.
Top and Side (1) shows what this should look like at this point.
Front (3). Finally, draw in the star.
When you have completed this, dip the egg in the Yellow dye. Leave it in for about 15 minutes, or until the desired shade is reached (REMEMBER, NO LONGER THAN 45 MINUTES!). Then remove the egg, and dab it dry.
