Remember to use light pencil lines,
so it won't show up in the final design. Front (1). Divide the egg into eighths. Front (2). Now divide the egg into sixteenths by drawing 4 parallel lines vertically top to bottom. All of these vertical lines should meet at the top and bottom of the egg. |
Front (3). Draw 4 lines parallel to the main horizontal dividing line. Front (4). Along the middle three horizontal lines, alternate drawing stars and pine needles, as shown. |
Front (5). In between the stars and pine needles, directly between the horizontal dividing lines, draw small diamond shapes, as shown.
Top (1). Draw a large diamond on the top and bottom of the egg, as shown. When you have completed this, dip the egg in the Yellow dye. Leave it in for about 15 minutes, or until the desired shade is reached (REMEMBER, NO LONGER THAN 45 MINUTES!). Then remove the egg, and dab it dry. |